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Show who introduced a stranger to my network

Whenever you see an account on the Public tab which you don't directly follow, Manyverse shows a label "Followed by (name)" next to the account.


We're trying to solve a problem of context. On one hand, it's important to have content fetched from the friends of your friends, because this expands the social space and lets you explore more, as well as allow you to create new friendships! On the other hand, when a friend of a friend (which we also call an "acquaintance") shows on your feed, you may not know where they came from and this may feel like an intrusion.

A solution is to help you figure out why Manyverse fetched that account. We want to evolve the specifics of this feature, and the first attempt is to show one of your friends you have in common with the acquaintance. We may change this in the future to be your "closest" friend in common, or to list all friends in common. For now, the first version of this feature brings a lot more clarity to what you're seeing on the Public feed!